domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020

lelouch vi britaniann

Lelouch Vi Britania is the protagonist of the Code Geass series. He is the eleventh prince of the Holy Empire of Britannia and son of the ninety-eighth (98) Emperor of Britannia, Charles zi Britannia. Lelouch adopted the surname Lamperouge after being exiled along with his younger sister Nunnally.

Shortly after receiving the geass, Lelouch created the character Zero, a mysterious masked revolutionary who wears black, wearing a helmet and cape. Lelouch also formed the Order of the Black Knights with the aim of destroying Britannia and seeking a peaceful world for himself and his sister. Lelouch has a fragile appearance and is considerably tall for his age. She has considerably long brown hair, with two strands covering her sideburns. His eyes are violet, although they lose their shine when he activates his geass. After certain events, Lelouch's geass becomes so powerful that it is permanently activated in both eyes. To avoid unintentional use of it, Lelouch uses a special lens provided by C.C. than to lock your geass.

Resultado de imagen para Lelouch LamperougeLelouch usually wears the Ashford Academy uniform, or the Zero uniform. Outside of Ashford, he wears a crimson jacket with a black shirt underneath, gray pants, and black shoes.

Lelouch usually wears the Ashford Academy uniform, or the Zero uniform. Outside of Ashford, he wears a crimson jacket with a black shirt underneath, gray pants, and black shoes.
Lelouch is a very intelligent individual and calm, sophisticated and arrogant due to his aristocratic education. While at school, Lelouch appears to be a sociable, personable, and often easy-going student. However, this is really a mask to hide your true self. While as Zero his true, nature is expressed. His charisma and beliefs in justice earn him the trust and respect of many soldiers and leaders.

Lelouch is known to have a very stoic personality. He never worried about schoolwork, seeing everything as trivial, despite the fact that his intelligence would make the task easier. At one point, Shirley stated that if Lelouch applied at school, he could get high marks. It is extremely competitive since it likes to look for challenges, often to play chess games against the nobility. In general, Lelouch takes most of the daily affairs with open disinterest, often not even noticing the affection of others, especially Shirley, her classmate. He has a strong dislike for nobles, viewing them as lukewarm beings and "excessive parasites". 

Shortly after gaining the power of Geass from the C.C., Lelouch assumes the secret identity of Zero, a mysterious and masked revolutionary wearing a helmet and black cape. The helmet has a retractable plate over the left eye so that Lelouch can use his Geass. In this disguise, he forms the Black Knights, initially made up of members of Kaname Ohgi's resistance group. The goal of this vigilante group is a campaign against powerful individuals oppressing the homeless, which ultimately expands to reform Japan as an independent nation.
Resultado de imagen para c.c code geassResultado de imagen para geass 
Lelouch is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, even if it means lying to his followers and using people as bait for the result he wants. However, he has trouble putting those close to him in a detrimental way for the sake of his goal, which is a weakness as a commander, but a remnant of his humanity and sanity. His feelings for Nunnally in particular often hinder his plans, especially at the end of the first season, where he abandons a massive war with Britannia's forces to rescue her, and early in the second season, when he has trouble believing that Nunnally is Volunteer Campaign for peace that interferes with your plans. Gradually, however, he has come to embrace the fact that he has to destroy before reconstruction can occur, even if it means harming those he cares about.

Lelouch was originally motivated by the desire to avenge his mother's death and build an ideal world where his sister Nunnally can live in peace. After Nunnally becomes Viceroy of Area 11, and his wishes conflict with his goals, his friends help him realize that his rebellion is no longer just for Nunnally, but for all the people in the world.

Resultado de imagen para Lelouch LamperougeAs emperor, Lelouch suppresses the oppressive laws and class system of Britannia, liberates all colonies (suppressing the concept of "Numbers") and puts all resistance below their goals. However, his apparently benevolent acts are a smokescreen for his intention to conquer the world, what he calls the Zero Requiem. He announces that Britannia is trying to join the United Nations Federation. At the meeting Lelouch takes council members hostage, after learning that Britannia's large population would give him a majority voting block. This puts him in conflict with Schneizel and the Black Knights. The first carrying the F.L.E.I.J.A Bomb equipped in his Damocles air fortress firing the bomb directly to the empire's capital, Pendragon. The big surprise is when Nunnally is revealed to declare herself an enemy of Lelouch. Although initially reticent, Lelouch is convinced that he must fight for the good of his plan.

Lelouch begins to leave as Damocles continues to detonate F.L.E.I.J.A. then Lelouch sees C.C. and tells him that he is worried about her, but then Kallen attacks the Avalon and he is saved thanks to C.C.

Using the Anti-F.L.E.I.J.A, Lelouch and Suzaku deactivate the F.L.E.I.J.A bomb and proceed to the Damocles board. He manages to bring Schneizel under his control. Lelouch goes to confront Nunnally, who has regained her sight at the point of willpower, suppressing the effect left on her by her father's geass; So he uses his geass on her to give her control of the F.L.E.I.J.A detonator and take control over the Damocles. With no one to oppose him, Lelouch proclaims himself world leader.

Two months later, Lelouch begins the public execution of the leaders of the Order of the Black Knights and the representatives of the UFN. Suzaku, dressed as Zero, interrupts and assassinates Lelouch, ending the Zero Requiem as he had planned. For having directed all the hatred in the world on him, Lelouch's death serves to facilitate peace. He dies smiling, saying that he is the one who destroys worlds and recreates them again. Suzaku now plays the role of Zero, Nunnally could only look in shock. When Lelouch falls close to her, she takes his hand and realizes that he has purposely sacrificed himself for her dream and world peace. Lelouch dies in the arms of a grieving Nunnally, who is his successor as Empress of Britannia.

In a final scene, C.C. in a carriage in which he professes his admiration for Lelouch for using the Kings' Geass to unite people.

code geass akito the exiled

Akito the exiled is a mini anime of 5 episodes, the duration of each one is like a movie. The side story takes place in 2017 a.t.b (is the calendar that they use in the anime), between the rise of the “Black Knights” organization and the return of the supposedly "dead" Zero. The setting is in Europe, where the overwhelming forces of the Holy Britannian Empire are invading the Europia United (E.U.) allied nations. On the verge of defeat, the E.U. army forms a special unit known as “W-0″, of which a young pilot named Akito Hyuga is a member. Leila Malcal, a former Britannian Aristocrat comes to the Europia United for aid, commanding the Wyvern Knightmare corps comprised of Japanese teenagers. They recklessly plunge into a battlefield, where the survival rate is extremely low, at about 5% only. They fight for their freedom and for a home to which they can return.
Resultado de imagen para akito the exiled

In the anime is dead zero but lelouch lamperouge appears in the anime with the name og julius kingleys at the service his father the emperor of the holy britaniann empire, but he doesnt  that he works him because his memory was washed.
The anime you cannot watched on Netflix because the anime is not there, the place you can watched in web sites of animes. Now i let you some videos of the anime.

one trailer of the anime 

a anime music vídeo 

martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

code geass lelouch of the resurrection

the movie of code geass leluoch of the resurrection now is in live on netflix. the movie is in the continuation of the anime is located 10 years after the destruccion the holy britannian empire, lelouch is dead in that time but also in that time they rivive lelouch.

Resultado de imagen para code geass lelouch of the resurrection
the movie talk about that leouch tries to recue her and his friend suzaku, the movie you can find it on netflix but the lenguage you can hear it is only the japanese. here the trailer and one song of the movie.

the song is named revive 

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

review of Code Geass

I'm giving to you to this blog. I'm going to talk about one of my favorites animes called Code Geass leluoch of the rebellion. the anime is located on Japan in the year of 2018 the holy Britannian Empire conquer the teritory of japan making this land called area 11.  The protagonist is a young boy at the age of 18 called leluoch lamperouge.

Image result for code geass
the young leluoch is a student of ashford academy but leluoch at his age is a very intelligent young man but uses that intelligence to bet on chess games the young boy the young man has a disabled sister named nunnally for an accident that had the same his sister can't see and also she can't walk.

one day leluoch decided to go to play one match of chess after that match leluoch saw a accaident on the highway and he try to go help the people who suffer the accident but leluoch didn’t know that persons are terrorist that they tried to liberate Japan after that leluoch decide to transform to the leader of terrorist group and he is called zero and he’s plan is not only liberate Japan he’s plan is destroy the holy Britannian empire.

The anime you can find it on Netflix but the languages you can see the anime is in English and Japanese.

The anime has 5 intros and 6 credits songs, now i giving to you a video of leluoch